
Bummed Out...

I hate this... I hate being sick and not being able to go to church. I listened to Bro. Sam Emory from No Limits 2006, But it's just not the same. There is something about going to church that cannot be replaced. I don't know what people do when they leave church. I would be going nuts, I already feel like a backslidder when we only have one service on Sundays.. Ha ha


merbear said...

You are so adorable!!! I love you to bits!!!!

MissionsAngel said...

...being sick is the pits! I'm with you on this on Ester dear!

EstherH said...

Aww thanks Mer, I love you more!! Being sick is horrid!! Can't wait to see you Angel!

MissionsAngel said...

Oh! But I can not wait to see you!!! You're staying with me!!! eeekkkk